Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mini Rosey Red Cupcakes

Personally, I never thought Valentine's Day was a big deal. To me (and a lot of people), it's really just a way for organizations to get consumers to buy their products by convincing them that there's a special/important occasion they can't ignore. And of course, they feel obligated to do so or else their other half will probably throw a fit. It's a little silly how worked up some people can get over days like these. But really, if it makes people happy then that's alright. I enjoyed Valentine's Day this year simply because I was surrounded by good friends and my family. And for that, I am grateful.

This year I decided I should spread some love. I proposed to a group of my friends that we play a little game of Secret Valentine with a limit of 50 dirhams per gift; just a fun way to get everyone to spread some good vibes. Truly, it's just a way for me to guarantee I'm getting a gift.. But yeah, let's get back to selflessness. We all met up in university during lunchtime, (im)patiently waited for the latecomers, and finally exchanged our gifts. I was probably the only person who stuck to the price limit. Stingy or creative? I'm not sure anymore :P It was super fun and was a nice way of getting to know each other better. 

Gifting just one person wasn't enough, though. Since I can't afford to give out more than a dozen roses (student allowance wohoo!) to all my family and friends, I thought roses on mini cupcakes would be more appropriate. The whole goal was to make someone happy so, I hope these put a smile on someone's face.

These cupcakes are just like the ones I made last year except I used this vanilla cupcake recipe instead. A lot of people thought they looked like roses before so tinting the cream red was just too tempting not to do this time around. It can't be healthy to get this excited over colored frosting. I hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day if you do celebrate it and if you don't, then just keep spreading the love anyway.

Happy Baking!


  1. Glad you had a good valentine's day. The cupcakes were delicious <3

  2. Beautiful Valentine gift idea. I love how the color red looks perfect!

  3. It took quite an effort to get that shade of red. Red and black are my enemies when it comes to tinting butter cream!
